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JUNE 10, TENTH SUNDAY- GENESIS 2:9-15, PSALM 130:1-8, 2 CORINTHIANS 4:13-5:1, JOHN 12:3, MARK 3:20-35. 

It is very true in “modern day Christianity” that many Christians are only church-goers, pew-warmers and even bench-breakers. Many Christians have no inclination, connection or affinity with God! Yes, we are always in Church, always present at religious activities, always identifying with the flaunting of religiosity, however, the truth remains that many Christians do not belong to the family of God, many Christians though present at religious gatherings are always outside the circle of God. That is why with such great presence of Christianity on our streets, our society has remained as godless as any sin-city. God’s word today speaks to us on the fundamental criterion of being a true member of Jesus’ family. 

The first reading tells how the first family fell out of the plenitude of divine grace due to its disobedience to God. This short drama gives the necessary lessons about the nature, mechanism and effects of sin. The first family was tempted and deceived by the devil, however, Adam and Eve consciously consented to the serpent and therefore sinned. The effect of their disobedience was the loss of personal relationship of communion with God. They lost that personal, familiar, peculiar connection with God. But because with the Lord there is mercy and plentiful redemption, God gives hope to the first family that despite their sin there will be a fulfilment of redemption through their progeny.

 In the Gospel, the friends (family) of Jesus thought he was mad. They have many reasons to think so. The scribes on another level accused him of being possessed by the prince of demons. Jesus corrected their ignorance by teaching them the foolishness of a divided kingdom. He then named that one sin that could put us out of His family forever- the Sin against the Holy Spirit which is obstinacy- the inability to repent! Immediately, his family stood outside asking for him, Jesus seized that important opportunity to declare those who truly constitute the family of God. 

For sure, it is not a bloodline affair, rather, those who do the will of God are his family members. By this, Jesus made his mother- Mary the perfect example of God’s family. Brothers and sisters, doing the will of God- which is obedience to him- is the only way we belong to God’s family. We must strive to do His will every day! May God give us that courage and grace to do his will always through Christ our Lord.


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